NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force .

Energy Consumption Survey    

Service Provider
David Doyle
Environmental Systems, LLC
175 Seashore Drive
Jupiter, FL   33477
Inactive NORMI Member

The Environmental TASC Force (ETF) was developed to help you, as a homeowner, assess your environment in a very affordable way. This program is supported by solution-based trainings to environmental professionals in the areas of indoor air quality, power usage, and drinking water anticipating that clients are interested in doing some of the work necessary to provide enough information for the environmental professional to develop specific solutions.

The concept of the Environmental TASC Force is built upon the foundation of assessment BEFORE solutions are offered. TASC stands for Trained Assessment and Screening Certification and the ETF Partner has been trained to assist you in the assessment process and certified to provide solutions using a team approach. We want to successfully improve the health of millions of families across America and we know that there are many solutions offered that simply need to be matched to specific problems.

Power Consumption Survey

Once you complete the Power Consumption Survey, you will have completed the first important step toward lowering your consumption and, potentially, your power bills. Remember there is no magic wand, no single "silver-bullet" solution to everyone's energy consumption issues because each of us use our environments differently. This survey will enable you to begin to identify specific areas in your home where power usage could be reduced and, once you have implemented the recommendations that follow, you and your family will be saving energy and costs.

Zip/Postal Code  
  1. How interested are you in reducing your energy usage and the costs associated with that over the next twelve (12) months?
    Not Interested  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Very Interested

    Energy costs are going up and consumption is not going down. It is interesting to note, however, that even minor changes in the way we use power and by taking advantage of newer technologies to monitor usage we can make a significant difference in our consumption.

  2. When was the last time you had your air cooling and/or heating system(s) serviced and evaluated its efficiency by a professional?
        1 Year Ago
        2 Years Ago
        3 or More Years

  3. Do you have a timer on your water heater and do you use it?
        Yes, I have one and use it.
        Yes, I have one but don’t use it.
        No, I don’t have one.

  4. Were you aware that as much as 25% of your heating/cooling can be lost through cracks in the interior walls of your home or office?
        Yes, I have addressed this issue.
        Yes, but don’t know what to do.
        No, I never thought about that.

  5. What is the price of a kilowatt hour in your municipality? This is how your Electric bill is calculated.
    I don't know the cost

  6. Did you realize that you could save 2/3rd of power usage on every single light bulb in your home by simply switching them to a more efficient fluorescent bulb? You might be surprised what significant reductions that could make in your power bill. How many light bulbs do you think you have in your home?
        10 - 20
        21 - 30
        31 - 50
        More than 50

  7. If you could reduce your power consumption, better protect the environment, and preserve our natural resources, would you be interested in spending just $99.00 USD to do a self-assessment of your power consumption? You would receive a Kill-A-Watt tool to measure power consumption, learn about sealing the building envelope in very inexpensive ways to reduce air infiltration, and make your energy consumption more might even save some money every month. Do you think this is something you would like to do?
        Yes, I think I’d like to do this.
        No, I don’t think so right now.

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Thank you for participating in the NORMI National Power Consumption Survey. As soon as we receive your survey assessment results (through the "Step 2 Complete The Summary of Energy Assessment link on this page) we will call you to set up a meeting by telephone or in person. If you have any questions between now and then please do not hesitate to contact us at the telephone number above.



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